Construction and real estate law
The builder must not be fumbling about and experimenting. Whatever is to remain standing must stand properly, and must at least suffice, if not for eternity, then for a long time. To err is human, but errors must not be built.
From the various stages of planning, constructing or financing purchases right up to the use and resale, large building projects require foresight. Contracts, finances and time frames must be carefully thought out. Spieker & Jaeger real estate lawyers advise their clients at each stage of the real estate life cycle, from start to finish. In addition to the real estate transaction, our experienced team deals with all the legal questions surrounding the architecture, construction, expansion and conversion of property.
Cases involving construction law often mean an abundance of contractual partners and contracts, which all need careful management. Some projects require the support of a legal team and an interdisciplinary approach over several years. The complexity of the tasks also encompasses company and tax law as well as notarial aspects, which we accommodate fully. It is for this reason that institutional and private investors, developers, contractors, architects, house owners, landowners and craftsmen rely on our expertise.